Paper Submission Information

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24-25 OCTOBER 2024
Submit your FoE 2024 paper

Welcome to the submission page for the 15th Edition of the International Conference The Future of Europe 2024!

The event is dedicated to academics and practitioners, coming from various industries and institutions, who are hereby warmly invited to contribute with their insights and findings to the envisaged debates.

Please read carefully the following guidelines before submitting your paper.


For first-time users: please click on the “Sign Up” button in the navigation bar at the right top of the page and create an account.

  • The papers should be uploaded on the platform ( without exceeding the indicated deadline.
  • An author may submit a maximum of 2 papers. No more than 5 authors per paper are allowed.
  • Papers should have approximately 8-10 pages, including references, using the Harvard citation style.
  • All papers must be formatted using the conference template.
  • The template can be downloaded from the conference website.
  • The submitted papers will undergo a double-blind peer review process.
  • The papers submitted and accepted to the conference will be published in a conference proceedings volume, which will be sent for indexation to minimum 3 important international databases (e.g., Web of Science – Conference Proceedings Citation Index and several others).


  • The Scientific Committee of the conference and panel chairs will organize the review process of all papers submitted by the deadline to ensure they are relevant to the conference themes.
  • Each paper will undergo a double-blind review process. This review will assess the scientific quality, appropriate length, standard of English, and proper referencing of the papers. All papers must comply with the paper template of the conference.
  • Authors whose first language is not English are strongly encouraged to have their work verified with Writefull ( Papers can be rejected if the standard of English is inadequate.


This section describes how to submit your articles to the 15th Edition of the International Conference The Future of Europe 2024, providing relevant information to help you through the process of the full paper submission.
It should be read in conjunction with the Call for Papers and the Deadlines.
Academics and practitioners (with a special mention to young researchers, including post-doctoral and PhD students) are all welcome and strongly encouraged to submit valuable scientific papers.

  • Papers should address one of the panel’s topics and can assess a wide range of thematic areas.
  • Papers must comply with the available paper template.
  • To be eligible, papers must be according to the academic standards. All research papers will be evaluated based on the same criteria and processes.
  • All research concepts and underlying principles should be clearly emphasized, providing sufficient background information to support the paper and to orient readers who are not specialists in the specific subject area.
  • All submissions must be made via the platform
  • Once submitted online on the conference platform, the papers will be double-blind peer reviewed.
  • After the double-blind reviewing process, the panel chairs will send a notification e-mail of paper/s acceptance or rejection to the author/s. The author/s whose paper/s is/are accepted will contain the notification of paper/s acceptance (with any requested changes after the double-blind reviewing process).
  • If your paper is accepted with requested revisions after the double-blind review process, the notification email will specify the deadline for submitting your final full paper. Please note that this deadline is final. However, earlier submissions are encouraged to facilitate timely management of the review process.
  • The accepted articles, subject to author registration, payment and presentation, will be published in the conference proceedings volume, which will be send for indexation in minimum 3 international databases, including, among others, Web of Science – Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
  • The submitted papers should not have been published elsewhere and should not be intended to be published elsewhere.

Please find below a summary of the key points to consider when submitting your full paper. Also, download the paper template that explains the requirements in detail. Papers that do not adhere to the conference style guidelines will be returned to authors.

  • Papers should be approximately 3000-4000 words in length, including abstract, figures, references and appendices for a total of 8-10 pages.
  • References should follow the Harvard referencing style, which means that primary references in the text should be in the format (Dobrescu, 2015) and should then be listed at the end of the paper as per the following examples (see the paper template for more details).

Examples of references:

  • Stiglitz, J. E., 2006. Making Globalization Work. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Dobrescu, E., 2014. A Hybrid Forecasting Approach. Amfiteatru Economic, 16(35), pp.390-402
  • Rigby, D., 2011. The Future of Shopping. Harvard Business Review, [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 21 November 2014].

For more information on the Harvard referencing style, please access the following link:

  • Before submitting your paper, please carefully check for typographical and grammatical errors. Papers will be returned if the standard of English is not considered to be good enough for publication.
  • Papers can be produced in any PC or MAC version of Microsoft Word.
  • Papers should be submitted as a .doc or .docx attachment by filling in the uploading form of each paper on the Conference Online Registration & Paper Submission. It must not be sent in PDF format and should not be zipped.
  • All papers received by the due date will have all identification of the authors removed and will be sent for double-blind peer review.


The allocated time for the presentation of the paper is 10-15 minutes, followed by discussions.
There will be a computer with PowerPoint and Adobe, a video-projector and Flipchart available for you. We strongly suggest that you restrict the number of slides in your presentation to 10-15.


The opinions expressed in the papers published in the Conference Proceedings Volume are those of the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily reflect those of the volume editors, the Scientific Committee, the Faculty of International Business and Economics or the organization to which the authors are affiliated.


The names and email addresses entered in the 15th Edition of the International Conference The Future of Europe 2024 online platform will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this conference/journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

The International Conference The Future of Europe”

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