The Alumni Association of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE Alumni), founded in 2007, contributes to the creation and strengthening of relations between ASE graduates from all classes and all forms of education and promotes collaborative relations between ASE and its alumni.
The REI community is an important part of the ASE Alumni and aims to bring alumni, professors, and students closer together through events that provide opportunities for networking, collaboration, and support for personal, professional and institutional development initiatives.
If you would like to be updated on these activities, please fill in the form at http://bit.ly/KeepInTouchWithAlumniASE
Numerous well-know professionals are graduates of the Faculty of International Business and Economics and are proud to be part of our family. All REI alumni have stood by the faculty and offered, whenever needed, their unconditional support in order to become more successful.
From these personalities having studied in our faculty, we mention 10 of them:
- Acad. Mugur Isărescu (in 1971)
- Acad. Daniel Dăianu (in 1975)
- Acad. Gheorghe Zaman (in 1965)
- Eugen Dijmărescu (in 1971)
- Mișu Negrițoiu (in 1973)
- Lazăr Comănescu (in 1972)
- Florin Pogonaru (in 1976)
- Napoleon Pop (in 1967)
- Varujan Vosganian (in 1982)
- Virgiliu Stoenescu (in 1969)
Our current efforts are focused on building and developing the alumni community, beyond one-off informal initiatives. We aim to better meet the needs and interests of alumni and bring you closer to the current academic and student community.
To express your intention to be part of the ASE REI alumni community, please fill in the form available at http://bit.ly/KeepInTouchWithAlumniASE.
ASE Alumni community promotes businesses carried out by the graduates of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and supports students and graduates looking for a job. It does it via job opportunities available online (on the association’s website or Facebook page), as well as professional development opportunities such as training and postgraduate courses available in the university’s educational offer (the offer of postgraduate courses available in the REI Faculty can be accessed here https://rei.ase.ro/programe-postuniversitare/).
In April 2020, the ASE Alumni Association launched the #ReușimÎmpreună! campaign, the aim being to unite community efforts in order to successfully overcome the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, facilitating communication, debate of ideas, to discover problems and identify solutions to them.
More details about the campaign are available at:
If you have any proposals or recommendations, do not hesitate to contact the coordinator of the REI community within the ASE Alumni, Professor Ramona DIEACONESCU (ȚARȚAVULEA) PhD, by e-mail at ramona.tartavulea@rei.ase.ro or you can use the contact details:
Website: www.alumni.ase.ro
Phone: 021 311 8720
E- mail: contact@alumni.ase.ro