The Faculty of Commerce replaced in 1951 the Faculty of Co-operation (sections of Commerce and Co-operation). The Merceology section was established in 1952. In 1957, the Foreign Trade section was set up, this being the first step to establish our faculty.
In 1974, the Faculty of Foreign Trade was set up, which immediately changed its name to the Faculty of International Business and Economics. The faculty kept this name until the 1977/1978 academic year when it was closed down.
After the 1989 Revolution, following the initiative of our faculty members (Professor Nicolae Sută, Professor Ioan Popa, Professor Silviu Neguț and Professor Dumitru Miron), the question of re-establishing this faculty re-emerged. Following substantial efforts, the Faculty of International Business and Economics was re-established in 1991 as in place today.

Initially, the faculty consisted of four departments: International Economic Relations, History/Geography, Romance Languages, and Germanic Languages. Since 2011, following the restructuring required by the new National Education Act, the faculty covers two departments: International Business and Economics & Modern Languages and Business Communication.
Throughout its history, the Faculty of International Business and Economics has provided students with quality study programs and the professors working in this faculty are dedicated to their profession and to the field in which they work. In an increasingly globalized and integrated world, an international view of the development of financial and commercial transactions becomes fundamental. Studying economic transactions from an international perspective offers clear advantages for both the private (including financial) and public sectors (especially for supporting public policy in the areas of foreign trade, foreign investment, exchange rates etc).